This is a fleet list website for yorkshire bus companies for bus enthusiasts to use for their own information purposes.
A bit about me:
I'm a 23 year old bus enthusiast/university graduate with an interest in modern buses and coaches. I'm always happy to see companies invest in new buses but am partial to some step entrance buses used on school runs or at bus festivals. I never used to photograph buses but on 16th April 2015 I took my first bus photo, and have been learning ever since. From mobile phone photos I've invested in a DSLR which may not be a professional type but once I've got some money saved I'll get a better version. I take photos all over, from coach parks to bus depots, and am partial to making an effort to get some scenic photographs due to influence from other contacts from Flickr. I have an affection for East Yorkshire as it's a beautiful area, plus it's where my native operator EYMS are based.
If you have some fleet updates or just want to know where the best photograph spots are, just email me using the address on the contact page.
As George Michael once sang in Wham Rap - Do you enjoy what you do?
If the answer to that question is yes, then don't let anyone stop you!